Terms of use

The network is open for everyone (academia & industry), although different pricing may apply. Please check out connect.vib.be or click on the link below. It is self evident that the equipment is handled with care and that problems are reported to ensure the most performative running of all systems. For usage of a particular device please refer to connect.vib.be or click on the link below.

1. Training

Before you receive access to any specific instrument, users should follow a training by the facility staff before initiating equipment operation by themselves. The user may/can only sign up for instruments for which they have been formally trained on or authorized to use after demonstrated expertise. For more information, please visit the training page.

2. Reservations and cancellations

All reservations should be made by using the online-reservation system.
If a user is found to use an instrument during an unscheduled time, or significantly beyond the scheduled time without notifying the core facility staff, the user’s lab will be responsible for instrument charges incurred, the PI will be notified.
Cancellation during the scheduled time slot is not possible by the user, and has to be discussed with the core facility. In case of a no-show or no advanced notification, the user will be charged for the reserved time slot.

3. Responsibility for Equipment Misuse

If equipment is damaged due to improper and negligent use, the PI is responsible for part or all of repair costs.

4. Data storage

All users are responsible for management (storage and backup) of their own data. It is recommended to store your data on the L drive. The L drive is provided by KU Leuven for image storage and management. All our devices are connected to the network (if the device configuration allows) to facilitate data transfer to and from the L drive. All raw data on the hard drive of the microscopes will be deleted without warning after three to six months (depending on the device) in order to guarantee optimal device performance. In case an extension to this period is required, the facility manager should be informed timely.


Imaging data obtained from primary human materials may constitute personal data that is subject to GDPRThis depends on the identifiability of the donor, and should be taken into account specially when these datasets are linked to the donor, either directly or indirectly. Users must ensure that such datasets are securely handled, following the VIB data security guidelines for GDPR compliant storage and use of non-anonymous and pseudonymous datasets.

5. Acknowledgements

In case data, collected from the Bio-Imaging Core equipment, is used in publications, the Bioimaging Core needs to be acknowledged. In case one of the core facility staff provides you with extensive help, also they have to be acknowledged. Please check for device specific acknowledgement requirements or contact us.

6. TC rules

For good cell culture practice our newly installed TC room comes with some general guidelines. Multiple spots are available in parallel which can be reserved via connect (TC room). At the moment only basic equipment (fridge, incubator, flow, pipettes, etc...) is foreseen, all consumables are provided by you. Specific spots (labeled "user") in the cupboard, fridge, etc. can be used to leave your consumables. Please make sure all your material is properly labeled (name + PI).

The bench/flow needs to be cleaned before and after usage. Disinfection of the incubator and flow are handled by the BIC staff. Yellow collar lab coats are provided, they can be found next to the entry door. Issues should be reported to one of the BIC staff members, Abril Escamilla-Ayala is the TC responsible of this room.

Organoid stained for DAPI, PAX6 (488), GSX2 (555) and SOX2 (640) imaged on Zeiss LSM900 (20x, EDF)
Sample: Franck Maurinot, Imaging: Nikky Corthout
FM: PhD student at the lab of Pierre Vanderhaegen (VIB-KUL), NC: Microscpy Expert BIC Leuven